Sunday, August 3, 2008

Urban Princess

I have know Darren for a few years now, as I have worked in the same office in Perth for quite some time. A few months ago, he mentioned to me that he has a gallery space in Northbridge that he will be opening shortly. My first questions was "how long you had this space for?" and he replied, "oh...about a year." Firstly, I was astonished that he had had it that long without telling me, then I was amazed at how ideal this space was for a gallery.

They have had a few events in Ginger's Garage, but I believe that this was one of the first public gallery exhibitions for the gallery.

We were given a concept to shoot for the gallery, and all we were told was that the theme was 'Urban Princess'.

Over many restless nights, I came up with a few different concepts for what I wanted to submit, but the one that I ended up using was the one above called 'Through her own eyes'.

The underlying story behind this image is one of which many young men and women deal with every day of their lives. They have to deal with insecurities in themselves and their looks, and more importantly how they fit in with friends and work mates. Hence the reflection being what she sees herself being on the inside. Trapped in the exterior beauty, and unable to deal with her inner issues.

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